Tonibonoj – from my mind to the Catwalk

Archive for the ‘Designer’ Category

Hello lovely people!

I hope you had a lovely weekend and now enjoying the week?

I sincerely apologise I wasnt able to update the blog end of last week as I previously said – things turned a little mad last week; totally unexpected!


I had hoped to have a couple of samples ready by last Friday but all of that went into thin air last Monday when it appeared I couldn’t work with one of my contractors any longer. It threw my plans into disarray and for a couple of days, stressed me out a lot.

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I work with timelines and I do not like it when those timelines change for ‘unforeseen’ reasons! I guess I’ve always been in ‘controlled environments’ where I was pretty much aware of most of the issues that could arise and therefore mentally prepared for them. Last week, I wasnt prepared for what happened, nonetheless I have learnt from it including the following:

  • When one door closes, remember another will always open
  • Everything happens for a reason, even the so called dissapointments. Just dont lose focus on your goal, you’ll look back and be thankful for most setbacks
  • In life, do good and you will attract goodness even if it doesn’t always seem like it – Good will always win
  • One person with a belief is equal to force of ninety-nine who have only interests (thanks to @Zedeye’s dad)
  • In my humble opinion, when God has blessed you with a gift and an idea and you put in the work, He’ll open doors to gold paved roads for you
  • If you havent tried something, dont close your mind to it and finally for today
  • Always have options B, C , D (unless in marriage of course!)

Fingers Crossed
So it’s a new week, I’m back to my old very happy self and guess what I have a new  team in place and keeping everything crossed with a lot of prayers that all goes well this week.

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Gotta get me some lunch now so I’ll catch you later!

Please leave a comment as I enjoy reading from you.

Mucha love



I trust you’re having a lovely week so far? My Monday was rather slow. You know those days you have to wait on people to get back to you before you move on to the next stage? Yes? Well one of those.

We are now very close to creating initial samples by my preferred manufacturer! Yeah!

They also have very good links with other suppliers e.g. Pattern Cutter, grader etc who are as professional yet competitively priced too. I’m a very happy girl today.

Before I get cracking with developing samples, one key thing I’ve had to pull together is a ‘confidential agreement’ which I know can make working relationships go from relaxed to very formal. They (my suppliers) probably have to get their legal team to check it too before signing it. I’ll be surprised if that’s not something they have to do regularly though-it just makes absolute business sense! My sketches are my intellectual property at the end of the day, so I must protect them.

So there we go, so close yet a little too far until we can clear the legal stages. Until then, I have to wait (impatiently if I may add) for my samples to be made!

[picapp align=”none” wrap=”false” link=”term=waiting&iid=9943473″ src=”″ width=”380″ height=”573″ /]

I’ll be here again in the next couple of days/end of the week with a progress update on the samples. Keeping everything crossed till then.

Have a beautiful day ahead!


Hello beautiful people!

You may have picked up from my first post that I do have something for formal wear. With a full-time job, most people spend more time at work than at home so if I am going to splash a little on clothes, work wear comes on top for me.

I am a firm believer in dressing for the role you’re aiming for not for where you are – so I can’t see any reason why any woman’s formal wardrobe should be dowdy.

We all know clothes speaks volumes about us and in some circumstances it could affect our demeanour. If you’re wearing an outfit that accentuates the right parts of your figure, you feel confident and your walk speaks the same language. And if you feel good about yourself, then you’ll attract that from other people.

So am I alone in feeling this way? Would you put much effort into your work wear? Are there particular pieces that work for you more than other?

For me, I love my soft tops and fitted shirts with smart tailored trousers or skirts. I might have been in a cut throat environment but I am still a woman and want to be sexy 🙂

Peter Jensen Helena Frill Blouse

Peter Jensen Helena Frill blouse - this top is fantastic for all shapes - I love the detail

I  would love to hear from you, so tell me about your favourite pieces of clothing for work.



I would like to say thank you to everyone who’s visited my blog since its launch on Monday and much love for your kind comments and encouragement. It’s an honour to know that you find my story inspiring and it really gives more oil to keep my wheels rolling.

This has been one hectic week, not for running from one fashion show to the other but just getting the label ready. I feel like I’ve had 2 weeks without a break for me – it’s all good. I said it before, when you find something you love, you can truly just wear yourself out at it. That said, today I needed to rest J and I’m not quite sure I got that rest.

Anyway, yesterday I did get to attend the Jalouse Fashion Rocks event, held at the very plush Mayfair night club of the same name; Jalouse. Music was live and awesome by a band called Auction for the Promise Club. The event featured four designers; Hanako Narahira, Jonathan Liang, Rajadano and Jessica Day who for me created the most memorable piece of the evening; a corset made of Lego blocks! I think my friend got a picture of it so I’ll upload once I have a copy. (Note to self; don’t attend a catwalk without a uber fast camera!!!)

[picapp align=”none” wrap=”false” link=”term=catwalk&iid=9837596″ src=”″ width=”380″ height=”253″ /]

Another major event this week was meeting up with friend/adviser /business partner – meeting went fantastic! hallelujah! I think this deserves a whole post dedicated to it so I’ll do that at a later date. We all need to know what to expect and prepare for at such meetings even when you have a cordial relationship with your possible investor.

Fabrics, fabrics and even more fabrics – I have been lost in fabrics this week. I have taken photos and swatches, touched, felt and pictured the fabrics on my customers and yet undecided which ones will go in the final collection. I wonder if there is an easier way to work with fabrics. When I draw a sketch, I have an idea what the material should be but then you get to see loads of different fabric designs, material and then its pick and mix; design v fabric v colour. I know these things take time and maybe I just need to be a little more patient with myself; as I already know it’s better to get it right a little later rather than get to market quick with a whole load of stuff I’m not 100% sure about.

Fabrics: So much choice, so little time

Image: Bill Longshaw /

One final update  for the night – my friend’s asked me to design an item for her!!! How exciting is that? My first custom-made piece, yeah! I am really looking forward to this experience, she is a beautiful woman with a fantastic figure – this will be so much fun!

And on that note, it’s good night from me!

God bless


  • None
  • tonibonoj: Ha ha ha, glad you got me on your mind! T
  • tonibonoj: Thank you for stopping by! So you're one of those lucky in betweeners? Smart Casual ahn? Interesting comment you make about not making an effort. I'm
  • mbabazi: OOPS. i pasted you link ,silly me .